Top 3 Reasons for Roof Maintenance

As we swelter in summer’s heat and winter storms seem like a very distant reality, it’s the perfect time to consider the health of your roof. Every day your roof is exposed to weather hazards and other elements, all of which contribute to damage and deterioration. We’ve seen it over and over – the primary cause of roof problems is a poorly maintained roof. 

We understand all too well the stress that comes from a leaking or damaged roof such as ruined interior and equipment, and if a leak is chronic, possible dry-rot and mold. 

Although we have a 24-hour Emergency Response service available if needed, we always encourage a more proactive – rather than reactive – approach to caring for your roof to help ensure that a manageable leak doesn’t become a full blown crisis. 

Our clients’ peace of mind is our number one goal, and one of the ways we can provide that is through our Maintenance Program. Our maintenance program provides top tier roof assessment and care before any damage can occur. There are 3 main reasons why you should consider adopting the maintenance program for your own roof:

1. Extended Roof Life

When it comes to running a business, you don’t often think about your buildings’ roof as one of your biggest investments. Often this thought occurs when your roof is damaged or leaking, and by then repairs can be quite costly. Through routine rooftop maintenance, the repairs we make can extend your roof’s service life and avoid the risk of premature roof replacement.

Of course we want your roof to last as long as possible, which is why our Maintenance Program is so important. With regular checkups, our team will be able to keep your roof in the best shape possible for the longest amount of time. Routine rooftop maintenance also means you’ll be able to reduce the number of repairs your roof needs and avoid emergency roof repair. 

2. Increased Energy Efficiency 

By conducting routine rooftop maintenance, we can also ensure that your commercial building is functioning at peak capacity. In addition to fixing all minor leaks and repairs, we can also ensure better insulation, which will reduce your commercial building’s energy loss and result in lower energy bills. Once insulation is wet its effectiveness is reduced and it also becomes at risk for mold growth. 

In addition to increasing energy efficiency, maintaining your roof also ensures that your building does not pose a safety hazard to your employees. This can cost a business thousands of dollars or more in lost productivity. 

3. Proactive Care

When you’re proactive about your rooftop maintenance, we can help you identify problems at their early stages and correct them before they become catastrophes. Our Maintenance Program also allows business owners to plan for and organize their approach to caring for their roof as a business asset. Ultimately this approach will save your business time and money. Scheduling regular rooftop maintenance service visits will allow your business to retain its value, appearance and appeal, and most importantly – continue to work without any obstruction caused by emergency rooftop repairs. 

Schedule Your Rooftop Maintenance

As one of the largest and most vulnerable parts of your commercial building, the lifespan of your roof can be dramatically shortened if neglected. A damaged roof can also be a hazard to the safety and well-being of your employees. By taking advantage of our Rooftop Maintenance Program we can help save your business lots of money by avoiding more costly emergency repairs. Ready to get started? Submit your maintenance request today!