Month: November 2019

  • Why Students Are Choosing Trade School Over College

    Why Students Are Choosing Trade School Over College

    Trade schools are looking more promising these days than they ever have before. Planning for your future is extremely important and students graduating now are taking much more into consideration than those just a few years ago. Four-year universities are expensive and come with a commitment to decades of repayment and anxiety if you don’t…

  • Chico State Racing Team Thanks Kodiak

    Chico State Racing Team Thanks Kodiak

    The Buggy Equipped with a 10 horsepower Briggs and Stratton motor, this buggy is still capable of traveling at 38 miles per hour. Did we mention that’s with a college student in seat, in addition to the buggies 300 plus pounds? The motor must remain stock in every way, to stay in accordance with the…